美國明尼蘇達州中南部發生列車出軌意外,一輛載有乙醇、玉米糖漿等物品的貨運列車出軌並起火,事發後當局隨即下令附近約800名的居民緊急撤離,並且建議民眾不要前往當地。而根據美國運輸部長布塔朱吉(Pete Buttigieg)的說法,截至目前尚未傳出有人員傷亡。
A freight train derailment led to an evacuation of residents in a small Minnesota town about 100 miles west of Minneapolis. The train was hauling ethanol and corn syrup when it crashed and caught fire. Officials say there is no threat to the public. pic.twitter.com/Its60nVfxf
— CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) March 30, 2023