法國總統馬克龍(Emmanuel Macron)上週末訪問完中國之後,受訪時發表「歐洲要避免因台灣議題被捲入美中衝突,不應成為美國附庸」的言論,遭到全球各界抨擊。
對此,法國駐美大使館發言人康夫勒(Pascal Confavreux)週一(10日)在推特發文表示,外界對馬克宏的說法「過度解讀」,也強調法國對台灣的立場並未改變。
Our position on #Taiwan has not changed either. What the Pres is saying: if we cannot end the conflict in #Ukraine, what credibility will we have on Taiwan? We seek to engage with China for peace&stability in Ukraine. And the Taiwan issue obviously came up in his talks w/Pres Xi.
— Pascal Confavreux (@P_Confavreux) April 10, 2023