《白俄羅斯國家通訊社》報導,流亡的白俄羅斯反對派領袖季哈諾夫斯卡亞(Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya)在週一(3月6日)遭白俄法院以叛國罪和共謀奪權罪的罪名,被判處15年有期徒刑,以及1萬1千美元的罰款。
缺席審判的季哈諾夫斯卡亞在推特上諷刺寫道,這是白俄總統盧卡申柯(Alexander Lukashenko)政權對於她對白俄民主變革所給的「獎勵」。
除了季哈諾夫斯卡亞之外,其他反對派成員如拉圖什科(Pavel Latushko)也面臨18年的刑期,另外還有3人也被處以12年的刑期。
15 years of prison.
— Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya (@Tsihanouskaya) March 6, 2023
This is how the regime “rewarded” my work for democratic changes in Belarus.
But today I don't think about my own sentence. I think about thousands of innocents, detained & sentenced to real prison terms.
I won't stop until each of them is released. pic.twitter.com/9kQREV0sgl