綜合媒體報導,美國一名還穿著尿布的男童日前被鄰居目睹拿著手槍,在公寓樓梯間嬉戲,當地警方已經逮捕該名男童的父親奧斯本(Shane E. Osborne)。
WTF!! Indiana: This past Saturday, a little boy in diapers seen on security cam waving a loaded 9mm pistol and pulling the trigger. Luckily, there were no round in the chamber. Shane Osborne, 45, faces a charge of felony neglect of a child dependent. #OnPatrolLive pic.twitter.com/umPoo52bdy— DeL2000 (@DeL2000) January 17, 2023
WTF!! Indiana: This past Saturday, a little boy in diapers seen on security cam waving a loaded 9mm pistol and pulling the trigger. Luckily, there were no round in the chamber. Shane Osborne, 45, faces a charge of felony neglect of a child dependent. #OnPatrolLive pic.twitter.com/umPoo52bdy
美國準總統川普(Donald Trump)將於下週
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