夏洛特黃蜂週三(1月18日)作客休士頓火箭,黃蜂雖然以122比117獲勝,不過陣中人氣球星「球弟」小波爾(LaMelo Ball)又受傷了。
小波爾在第三節一波籃板爭搶中被隊友華盛頓(P.J. Washington)踩到左腳,左腳踝直接被壓迫扭傷,隨後在人員攙扶下出場治療。
LaMelo Ball has his ankle stepped on and has to be helped to the locker room. pic.twitter.com/rQYsny7cHi— Bally Sports: Hornets (@HornetsOnBally) January 19, 2023
LaMelo Ball has his ankle stepped on and has to be helped to the locker room. pic.twitter.com/rQYsny7cHi
美國富豪馬斯克(Elon Musk)與企業家拉馬斯
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