好萊塢女星拉寇兒薇芝(Raquel Welch)的經紀人拉曼納(Stephen LaManna)表示,拉寇兒薇芝在短暫的經歷生病之後,已經於週三(2月15日)逝世,享壽82歲。
據悉,拉寇兒薇芝1966年在電影《大洪荒》(One Million Years B.C.)中身穿棕色鹿皮比基尼、大秀性感身材而走紅,並被雜誌《花花公子》稱為70年代「最性感的女人」。
拉寇兒薇芝這張劇照後來更是成為暢銷海報,還出現在1994年經典電影《刺激1995》(The Shawshank Redemption)的場景。她曾在自傳中表示,很諷刺的是,大家都認為自己是性感的象徵,事實上她只是有兩個孩子的單親媽媽。
So sad to hear about Raquel Welch's passing. I loved working with her on Legally Blonde. She was elegant , professional and glamorous beyond belief. Simply stunning. May all her angels carry her home. 🕊️ Sending love to her family and her many fans ❤️ pic.twitter.com/FBtXhpvS25
— Reese Witherspoon (@ReeseW) February 15, 2023