美國路易斯安納州史塔克斯鎮(Starks)一名14歲少女週日(5月7日)在玩捉迷藏時躲到鄰居家的院子,結果竟然遭到58歲的屋主多伊爾(David V. Doyle)開槍,造成她後腦中彈,所幸送醫後已無生命危險。
A White man, David V. Doyle, shot a 14-year-old girl in the back of the head while she was playing hide and seek with other children in Louisiana yesterday.The children who live on the same street as Doyle had apparently been hiding on his property.https://t.co/iYMolnMKhr— Rebecca J. Kavanagh (@DrRJKavanagh) May 9, 2023
A White man, David V. Doyle, shot a 14-year-old girl in the back of the head while she was playing hide and seek with other children in Louisiana yesterday.The children who live on the same street as Doyle had apparently been hiding on his property.https://t.co/iYMolnMKhr
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