根據福斯新聞(FOX)報導,龍捲風24日晚間自該州首府傑克遜(Jackso)東北方96公里處往東北方移動至阿拉巴馬州,沿途威力不減,移動距離長達100公里,最大風速每小時113公里。密西西比州緊急管理局表示,該州西部小鎮西爾維市(Silver City)仍有4人下落不明,救難人員仍在全力搜索中。
BREAKING OVERNIGHT: At least 24 people were killed in Mississippi when a tornado touched down just after sundown. Mississippi's governor says search and rescue operations are underway, and that emergency crews are surging to the areas hardest hit by the storm. pic.twitter.com/yiG0szMYc0— CBS Saturday Morning (@cbssaturday) March 25, 2023
BREAKING OVERNIGHT: At least 24 people were killed in Mississippi when a tornado touched down just after sundown. Mississippi's governor says search and rescue operations are underway, and that emergency crews are surging to the areas hardest hit by the storm. pic.twitter.com/yiG0szMYc0
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