根據《NBC新聞》報導,紐約沙福郡警察局長羅文(John Rowan)表示,塔台人員當時收到觀光飛機傳來的駕駛艙冒煙求救訊號,接著飛機就墜毀在紐約市以東32公里處。
墜機地點所在的巴比倫鎮官員指出,飛機避開了當地的街區和民宅,墜落在灌木叢和樹林當中。美國聯邦航空總署透露,失事機種為Piper PA-28,當時正準備降落卻不幸發生意外。
Plane, likely a Cessna hit the trees and exploded missed house at end of block by maybe 200 ft. Headed to republic airport. Saw 2 people one all bloody out of the plane, fire EMS police all here.. choppers.. sure to be on news12. Thank god it missed the houses. pic.twitter.com/3Mp91JKQ3u
— Chris Baldassano (@Baldassano) March 5, 2023