韓國男星宋仲基結婚後於週四(2月16日)首度現身仁川機場,準備前往匈牙利拍攝Netflix電影《路基完》(My name is Loh Kiwan,暫譯),新婚孕妻凱蒂(Katy Louise Saunders)則抱著愛犬一起陪飛,她無名指上配戴的超大鑽戒也吸引媒體粉絲的目光。
#SongJoongKi and his wife along with their puppy Nalla leaving for Hungary as Joongki will be based there for 2 months to film Netflix movie #MyNameisLohKiwan 💙✈️Such a beautiful and polite family. His wife even bowed to the reporters! Link https://t.co/srBovXZSMd pic.twitter.com/cnUBK95XNb— Song JoongKi 송중기 only (@sjkwings1985) February 16, 2023
#SongJoongKi and his wife along with their puppy Nalla leaving for Hungary as Joongki will be based there for 2 months to film Netflix movie #MyNameisLohKiwan 💙✈️Such a beautiful and polite family. His wife even bowed to the reporters! Link https://t.co/srBovXZSMd pic.twitter.com/cnUBK95XNb
全世界都在觀望美國候任總統川普(Donald Tr
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