在里約熱內盧、薩爾瓦多、雷西非、聖保羅等城市,已經可以看到大批民眾精心打扮、熱舞狂歡。巴西第一夫人、總統魯拉(Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva)的妻子席爾瓦(Rosângela da Silva)也有望參加。
Rio de Janeiro's world-famous Carnival is BACK in full glory for the first time in three years 🎉"King Momo" will "rule" the city during the Carnival, which was dubbed a celebration of life and democracy after the turmoil of COVID-19 and Brazil's polarizing elections. pic.twitter.com/LnJJfVKf8m— DW News (@dwnews) February 17, 2023
Rio de Janeiro's world-famous Carnival is BACK in full glory for the first time in three years 🎉"King Momo" will "rule" the city during the Carnival, which was dubbed a celebration of life and democracy after the turmoil of COVID-19 and Brazil's polarizing elections. pic.twitter.com/LnJJfVKf8m
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