報導指出,這汽車運輸貨輪名為「弗萊明特公路」(Fremantle Highway),船身長約200公尺,船上載有2857輛汽車。這輛貨輪從德國出發前往埃及,在行經荷蘭阿莫蘭島(Ameland)以北約30公里處的海域時,疑似因船上的25輛電動車中的其中一台突然起火,火勢就此一發不可收拾。
fire on board the ship Fremantle Highway, the ship is on fire off the #Dutch island of Ameland. few crew members jumped into the water and were rescued. the boat was on its way from Bremerhaven in Germany to Port Said in Egypt, with some 3,000 cars on board. #boatfire #RESCUE pic.twitter.com/ysPLTOnfOO
— Mulder photography📸🎥🇳🇱 (@Gerco1985) July 26, 2023
Nog steeds flinke rookpluimen bij de #fremantleHighway boven #ameland. pic.twitter.com/Z3qoSe6rXk
— ᑎIᑕO (@NicoGuud) July 26, 2023