There is high probability of eruption on the Reykjanes peninsula in the coming days. Large earthquakes have been felt all over the south west corner of Iceland in the last 24 hours and more than 3000 smaller earthquakes have been registered.@bsteinbekk #geology #science pic.twitter.com/ycmZvmSQ5l
— Geology Scienceᅠᅠᅠ (@GeologyyScience) July 8, 2023
《法新社》報導,火山噴發的地點距離雷克雅維克約30公里,而此次噴發還出現了3條火山裂縫,裂縫的長度達到200至300公尺,導致火燙的岩漿四處流竄。不過也由於此次火山噴發是「溢流式噴發」(effusive eruption),所以強度相對較低。但專家仍警告,若火山長時間噴發,仍有可能對附近的設施構成威脅。
An earthquake swarm started on #Reykjanes Peninsula yesterday with over 2000 earthquakes the past 24 hours. This is almost the same pattern to the one that led to the #Meradalir eruption last year. Which means a new eruption could be happening in the next few days or weeks. pic.twitter.com/NPu86bgWVJ
— Pruthuviya 🌐 (@pruthuviya) July 7, 2023