新聞界最高榮譽獎項之一的世界新聞攝影大獎(World Press Photo)週四(4月20日)在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹公布今年獲獎得主。
其中,《美聯社》烏克蘭籍攝影師馬洛萊特卡(Evgeniy Maloletka)去年3月9日拍到俄軍空襲烏克蘭馬立波一間婦產科醫院,32歲的孕婦卡里尼娜(Iryna Kalinina)受傷後被抬離的畫面,這張照片贏得「年度圖片」大獎。
.@AP photographer Evgeniy Maloletka won the World Press Photo of the Year award for his harrowing image of a wounded pregnant woman being carried through the shattered grounds of a maternity hospital in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol. She later died. https://t.co/9CHJvfG8uy
— The Associated Press (@AP) April 20, 2023