美軍歐洲司令部(U.S. European Command)於11月11日證實,一架美國軍機在地中海東部進行演習時發生墜毀,機上人員生死不明。
此外,目前美國軍方也沒有公佈墜毀軍機的軍種,美方則已增派空軍中隊前往該區域搜索,核子動力航空母艦福特號(USS Gerald R. Ford)也一直在地中海東部海域執行任務。
#BREAKING An unspecified US military aircraft crashed in the eastern Mediterranean during a routine training flight, according to US European Command. The crash is believed to be a training-related mishap, with no indications of hostile activity. EUCOM stated that further… pic.twitter.com/TYRuWJ2XRB— Geo Maestro (@mavi9261) November 12, 2023
#BREAKING An unspecified US military aircraft crashed in the eastern Mediterranean during a routine training flight, according to US European Command. The crash is believed to be a training-related mishap, with no indications of hostile activity. EUCOM stated that further… pic.twitter.com/TYRuWJ2XRB
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