根據緬甸國家電視台14日引述緬甸軍政府的數據報導,摩羯颱風造成當地洪水及土石流災情,緬甸中部曼德勒省(Mandalay)、勃固省(Bago)、東部撣邦(Shan State)和首都奈比多(Naypyitaw)的低窪地區自本月11日以來便遭洪水淹沒。
由於災情嚴重,緬甸軍政府領導人敏昂萊(Min Aung Hlaing)罕見請求外國協助救援。
Several sources have confirmed that there are at least 700 villagers have gone missing, with fear that everyone died after two third of their village have been submerged by the unprecedented flooding in Yamethin village located in Mandalay region of central Myanmar.
— Chindwin News Agency (@TheChindwin) September 14, 2024
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